Second System Effect Impacts Traefik

Ahhh, the Second System Effect, a perennial project killer.

For some years, this site has run in a Kubernetes cluster with several others, and used Traefik Proxy, which has been an excellent piece of code, to multiplex sites through one load balancer.

For better or worse, my provider has just forced a kubernetes upgrade…which removed some deprecated APIs…on which traefik 1.7 depended.

And, instead of maintaining the same standard API of reading annotations from standard Ingress objects, traefik has gone the “custom resource definition” route, destroying the simple and elegant (and standard!) way of using it in favor of complicated and proprietary ways of specifying everything.

Of course, it’s always possible that Traefik is doing this to contribute to monetizing their software. My opinion on that is a topic for another day.

I will update this page later with some details, but for now, the result is that TLS on this (and several other) sites are broken until I can either reconfigure everything to use their new system, or replace them with other methods.

I apologize for the inconvenience. TLS is very useful, and right now we don’t have it. Gagh!
