VM Resources Page

I’m now a VM management and performance guy for a large amount of my life.

One of the interesting things about virtualization is how it changes the assumptions we’ve made and developed in computers since the dawn of the PC revolution. (For the old time purists – yes, virtualization predates PCs. However, tech has changed a bit from those days. While there are old lessons to be refreshed, there are also new ones to learn.)

One of the particular new lessons I’ve learned is: most people forget about storage. In the last 4 years the majority of the time I’ve spent worrying about virtualization has been about storage.

So, I’m going to maintain some pages of resources/discussions/interesting points in the virtualization space, starting in storage. This is distinct from my discussions and opinions on storage.

Comments welcome – but be warned! If you put in a sufficiently interesting comment I will likely incorporate it into the main page. (Please use OpenID to log in – I don’t want to deal with local accounts and so will not, in general, be approving them.)
